Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Service Learning Projects

Serving Our Community

Community service is an integral part of the Montessori philosophy. Teaching our students ways to care for and give back to our community is a pillar of our program. Currently our students are participating in two community service projects.

Operation Bedroll

We are excited to partner with Spring Valley High School in working on Operation Bedroll. Our students are collecting plastic bags and turning them into plarn (plastic yarn). All ages are actively involved in the process. The primary students (3 year olds through 5 year olds) fold the bags and prepare them for our lower elementary students (1st through 3rd graders). The lower elementary students cut the bags into strips and pass the strips along to our upper elementary students (4th and 5th graders), where they turn the strips into a plastic type yarn called plarn. They eagerly send the plarn to our Spring Valley High School partners, where they weave the plarn into bed mats that are easily transportable and water resistant for our homeless community. This will be a year long community service project for our students.

Below is an example of a plarn bedroll displayed by Jane Hiller from Sonoco.

Palmetto Health Children's Hospital
We are also partnering with Palmetto Health Children's Hospital by collecting items for the holidays. While Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital accepts donations all year, unexpected hospital stays during the holiday season can be especially difficult for families. Each year Child Life organizes a Holiday Market. Donations are used to set up a “store” and parents/caregivers are provided with tickets to redeem for gifts. The Holiday Market enables families to “shop” for gifts without having to leave the hospital.Our students are excited to participate in collecting items for these families to "shop" for gifts for their loved ones. Due to safety and health concerns, the hospital asks that all donations are new items.

Each grade level is collecting items for specific age groups. Please see the lists below if you are interested in making a donation.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Surprise Visit

A Special Surprise!

This morning one of our primary Montessori students received the best surprise of all. His father came home from a two month long deployment and surprised him this morning by visiting him in his class!

Watch the surprise unfold!

 Fletcher shows dad around his classroom.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Montessori Family Night

Join us at Blaze Pizza in the Village at Sandhills for a Montessori Family Night. Several Montessori teachers will be there from 5-8:00pm to visit with families. We hope to see you there!

Montessori Family Night
Monday, October 23rd
Blaze Pizza
Village at Sandhills
5-8:00pm (drop-in)

Montessori Professional Development

Montessori Professional Development

Montessori teachers were hard at work synergizing during their morning session. They were very thankful to have the opportunity to participate in Montessori professional development during the distict inservice day.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Montessori Parent Advisory Council Meeting

Looking for a Way to Get Involved?

Several parents have asked who should serve on the Parent Advisory Council for Montessori. All parents are encouraged to participate. This is a wonderful way for you to become more involved in Montessori and Pontiac. We hope that you will be able to attend.

Meeting Date:  Thursday, October 12th
Time:  6:00pm
Location:  Pontiac Media Center

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Montessori Parent Advisory Council Meeting

Montessori Advisory Council Meeting

All Montessori families are invited to join us for our first Montessori Advisory Council meeting of this school year. The Parent Advisory Council provides essential feedback and suggestions that help strengthen and guide our program. We hope to see all of you there!

Montessori Parent Advisory Council Meeting
Thursday, October 12th
Pontiac Media Center

Friday, October 6, 2017

Montessori Community Meeting

Community Meeting

Today our primary friends hosted our 1st Community Meeting. We partnered our primary students with lower elementary and upper elementary students to serve as buddies. Everyone enjoyed sitting with their buddies during the Community Meeting. 

Here are a few moments captured from today.

Sharing Joy 

Primary Students Teaching a Song

Thursday, September 21, 2017

International Day of Peace

Montessori Celebrates 
International Day of Peace

What a wonderful day for our students! We began the morning with a guest speaker, Mr. Frank Anderson, who taught us about the three R's of a labyrinth.

The 3 R's:

Now as we walk the labyrinth we will be able to Release our frustrations, Receive new ideas and insights, and Resolve our frustrations by finding a solution.

Here are some pictures from our time with Mr. Anderson. After learning about our labyrinth, the primary students worked with their lower elementary and upper elementary buddies to paint peace rocks to place around the labyrinth.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Delayed Start

Tuesday, September 12 the district will be running on a delayed start due to weather conditions. Please be safe traveling to school in the morning.

We look forward to seeing the children in the morning and hope that everyone was safe during the storm!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Pontiac Skate Night

Join us tonight for 
Pontiac's Family Skate Night 
from 6-8pm! 

Skate Night is at Skateland USA. 
It is located at 800 Bookman Rd.
Phone Number: 736-0606

You can rent skates or bring your own pair from home! 

We hope to see you there!

Happy Birthday Maria Montessori!

Maria Montessori!

In honor of Maria Montessori's birthday, our lower elementary students painted peace rocks. Tomorrow they will place the peace rocks in the labyrinth.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

First Day of School!

A Peek at Upper Elementary

Lower Elementary at Work

Our Primary Students Are Busy 
Working on Lessons!